
Add Your Name to Help Us Keep Organizing Against Trump

Trump’s first 100 days are coming to a close on April 29th.

We could list all the embarrassments, mistakes, slip-ups, gaffes, and full-on disasters perpetrated by President Trump and his inept administration, but that would take up a lot of time and space — so we’ll just leave you with some of the highlights.

Let them serve as a reminder of why we can’t stop holding this administration accountable:

  • President Trump tried and failed to institute a discriminatory Muslim travel ban
  • After President Trump made grand promises to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, TrumpCare didn’t even make it to the House floor.
  • During one of his early morning Twitter tantrums, Trump falsely accused President Obama of wiretapping him.
  • He signed a law allowing Americans’ internet search history to be sold to the highest bidder.
  • He still hasn’t released his tax returns!

We need to have our voices heard. President Trump likes to campaign, golf, and tweet — but listening to the American people? Not so much.

Raise your voice today. Let Trump know we will not stand for his disastrous policies. Add your name.